I was just going through the blog post on IE blog , where I came across a typical Microsoft faltugiri . It says that if you have XP Service Pack(SP) 2 and IE 7 installed and would like to upgrade to SP 3 then you wont be able uninstall IE 7.... Why? Its because if you uninstall IE 7 then you would revert back to older version of IE 6 of SP2 but your current service pack is SP 3. So you would be having a mismatch SP files. Hence in case you want to uninstall IE 7 then you would have to first uninstall SP 3 then uninstall IE 7 and finally install SP 3 again. What the heck is this??? My question to Microsoft is that if I like to install IE 7 then it mostly means I don't want to use IE. Why do you revert back to IE 6. If the user really loves IE 6 so much as to uninstall IE 6 then rather let him reinstall IE 6 himself. To be honest it seems one more of those Microsoft's Strategies to to prevent users from moving on to products other than that of Microsoft's. Recently they laun...