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Yet another Crash.........

Hushhhh!!! Yet another semester, yet another breakdown at the end, nothing has really changed in my way handling the exam papers. Its been 4 semesters now, I am having the same the same problem of not finishing things as swiftly as I used to in my earlier days. Still working my best though!
It all started in the 4th sem (I don’t remember the subject) but I really messed it up. I thought that was just another bad patch in my career, it just got worse in 5th. This time I lost it in my favorite subject, my fortress Mathematics. It was the Shock of my life. Really I could have done better at that time. I selected wrong questions at wrong time. It was my good deeds in the past that made me till 59(which actually was not bad as I was still among top ten in math), but it still “hurts”. Well, it did not end there, did it? Then came the 6th sem where I had to prove my self than anyone else that PCM 299 was not a fluke. I worked hard, got past everything except ‘Computer Graphics’. But my dear friend the way you are not always lucky, you aren’t always unlucky. This time even though it was not the best of papers I got good old 78 which actually increased my aggregate percentage!!!
Now, this time we had 5 papers to write in unbelievable 33 days. I did not start any worse when I lost 20 marks in the first question worth 20 marks in DSP. I settled down with AMP, IP and SE. With 3 days to prepare for AI, when I started I thought I should be sufficient. But I was wrong. Earlier papers in the exam had changed my plans. I started to read everything instead of looking for answers of previous years question papers. And I did it again!!! But now I am getting used to this. Not only that I have realized one thing when studying for an exam “it is not
important how much you know, it is important how much you can write on that sheet of answer paper”. Let see how much I fare in this exam. I should get at least 63 percent. God only knows. See you. Bye.


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