What is life? How can you succeed in it? Its certainly not as easy as ABC. For some life is as ugly as Scarecrow & for others its as beautiful as their Girlfriend. Some say its as bright as day while others say it's as dark as midnight. Well, I am not as wise as Solomon, but certainly not as dumb as a statue. To begin with, I must admit life can be as brittle as glass. Our one mistake could ruin our entire life. Hence you need to be as brave as a Lion, as cunning as a Fox, as watchful as a Hawk. When doing a work, try to be as busy as an Ant & as sharp as a razor. Be careful of those who are as greedy as Wolf. If your are as innocent as Dove, then these people will always badger your way. If you are as silly as a Goose then people who are as hungry as a Hawk will eat you up. Be as firm as a Rock. Firmness doesn't mean silence. So don't be as silent as the dead. Express yourself whenever required, in a voice as sweet as honey. If you think as quick as lightning then you may be wondering why I wrote this post. Well, I must tell you this in a voice as cold as Ice that I am as free as bird to articulate myself. Come on. don't be as red as blood, it doesn't suit your face which is as round as a ball. OK. OK. I give up or else I will become as dead as a Dodo.
इंद्र जिमि जंभ पर… बाडव सुअंभ पर… रावण सदंभ पर… रघुकुलराज है ! पौन बारिबाह पर… संभु रतिनाह पर… ज्यों सहसबाह पर… राम द्विजराज है ! उदरात माउली… रयतेस साउली… गडकोट राउळी… शिवशंकर हा मुक्तीची मंत्रणा… युक्तीची यंत्रणा… खल दुष्टदुर्जना… प्रलयंकर हा संतास रक्षितो… शत्रू निखंदतो… भावंडभावना… संस्थापितो ऐसा युगेयुगे… स्मरणीय सर्वदा… माता-पिता-सखा… शिवभूप तो दावा दृमदंड पर… चीता मृगझुंड पर… भूषन वितुंड पर… जैसे मृगराज है ! तेज तम अंस पर… कान्ह जिमि कंस पर… त्यों मलिच्छ बंस पर… सेर सिवराज है ! जय भवानी, जय शिवाजी ! Thanks to Nik for sending this. In case any of you want to read the whole poem you can visit this link .