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Picnic - Harihareshwar

This was my third picnic with my school friends since last year. All were great trips with lots of experience to be told on this blog. The initial date for this trip was 26th Jan but since many of us were busy with exams we decided to postpone the trip indefinitely. Finally, when Kiran, Viraj, Susmit and Dnyanesh met last month, they decided that we would go to Hari-Hareshwar, irrespective of who and how many people are coming. Initially, 11 people were supposed to be coming for the trip, but as Aditya had predicted Harshad backed out at last moment. There few more people who had some other "important" stuff, so the number finally came down to 8 with no Jeetu, no Nik and no vicky(actually nobody asked him). Kiran did send a mail on our Google group expecting some more people, especially girls from our class, but as usual no one replied (They need a special invitation it seems).

Finally came the day when we would journey to the place (same day as my CAT results), we were supposed to leave in the night on 10th and reach Dive Agar on 11th morning. Susmit had arranged a Sumo for travelling. Susmit and Kiran were going to come to my place in the Sumo and then to Girgaum. Since my LG phone discharges quickly, I had put my Sim card in my brothers cell. Unfortunately, due to some (mis)settings they were not able to contact me. Also, they didn't know much about my new home. So they were waiting down for me to call, and I was waiting at my home for them to call me. It took half an hour for Kiran to come to my home. He just had the info that I stay on 14th floor. He went to A wing first. Well, it has just 10 floors. Then he came to B wing, the first place where he pressed the bell, I opened the door. When I came to the lift, a surprise was waiting. Jeetu had come all the way from Pune after initially telling everyone that he wasn't coming. We then quickly reached Dena wadi, where photo session begun before we could start off our journey. At that time, Kalpesh was passing by on his bike when he saw Jeetu. He asked us if he could also come which we said yes. So he went home, packed his bag and we headed to Dive Agar at 11:45pm on 10th April....


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