This has to be the best of the three Dork books(“DORK: The Incredible Adventures of Robin ‘Einstein' Varghese”, “God Save The Dork” & “Who Let The Dork Out?”). It has been wonderful reading experience for past one week. I am sure people around me (at home, in train, in office bus) might have felt, why this fellow is smiling so much while reading this book :) The BBC journo episode, first meeting with Colonel, Sivaji statue fiasco, Tihar jail’s special room, Gym sessions – all were super comedy entries in Robin “Einstein” Varghese's Diary. It will be worth reading it again some time soon.
Some of my favorite quotes/lines from the book are as follows -
When the going gets tough, the Einstein has already finished going!
Women are the easiest things in the world to handle provided you don’t have any self-respect.
This is not Europe where people say, “You fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me.” In India, “you fool me once, I fuck you m****.”
The room was so silent you could hear the sound of the tapes winding inside the video cameras.
You should see the amount of oil is his hair, One day America will invade his head just for the oil.
Like Subhas Chandra Bose that peon has never been seen again.
Firangs are always trouble. From Vasco da Gama to Greg Chappell. All fuckers.