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The One Where Everyone Forgot Siddhesh

No this is not an episode from FRIENDS, it is a real life incident which happened during my Konkan trip. We had gone to Sagareshwar on the third day of the trip. It is one of the wonderful beaches in Maharashtra. We had lot of fun there. Especially the time when we tried to take the pictures while jumping in the air. The below pic should give you an idea -

Jumping Japang!!!
After all the jumping japang, we decided to walk back to home. When we reached the Vengurla market, the elders were busy with shopping so we stopped near a temple. As I was having troubles with my allergy for past few days, I decided to buy the medicine from the medical store near the temple. I told Aditya that I was going to the chemist behind the temple and left. It was a bit crowded at the chemist, so the owner of the medical store asked his assistant to search my medicine. Unfortunately, even after several attempts he could not find the medicine. Meanwhile, when I looked back towards the temple I couldn't see my friends. I thought that may be they weren't sitting in my line of sight, so I couldn't see them. Once rest of the customers were gone, the owner himself started searching the medicine. Now, after 15 minutes since I came to the chemist, I got a call from Viraj. He asked me where I was. I told him that I was at the medical store, near the temple. He told me that they had gone ahead thinking that I was with Susmit's parents whereas the elders were under the impression that I was with my friends. Only when everyone met at a corner did they realize that I was missing. After collecting the medicine and few more calls I finally met Viraj, Aditya and others. 

Honestly, even after a month, I still can not believe they left me like that :0 How can you do that guys!


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