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Paper Checking

Recently an interesting incident occurred related to my school. One of my neighbors studies in 6th standard at my former school. I got the news from one of our common acquaintance that he fared poorly in science paper. Few days after I got the news, the boy himself started telling me about his marks. He had got decent marks in rest of subjects. He initially did not talk about science paper, but after a while he started the topic by informing me that all the students got the beating in Science paper. He stressed on the fact that even the topper had 30 marks out of 40. Since, I had seen his casual approach during exams; I thought he himself was responsible for his dismal performance. However, when he told about the way his teacher responded to the students’ queries about the paper, it frustrated me a lot.

The teacher had told all the students that if anyone comes to her for changing the marks, she would cut that student’s marks. This according to me is ridiculous. As I had seen these things happening while I was studying, this did not surprise me much. We were pretty much helpless at that time (and even now). Now, let me be clear, I am not saying all the students should get high marks or all student queries are valid and mandate more marks. I just want teachers to give the students understanding about why they lost marks. I know marks are not important in long term, but they do matter on short term basis when it comes to maintain your competitiveness. If you don’t get the marks or as I would call it – “results” – for your efforts, next time you may not put the same level of efforts. Again, how do you expect students to write the answers in the way it is expected, if you never tell them what is expected from them?

I discussed this issue with my friends, and they also had similar opinion. As I said earlier, scoring high marks is not a priority, but you should at least get what you deserve or at least a way to understand how to get better. I really hope situation improves when my kids go to school.


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