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Being a Gnome Fan

I have turned into a big fan of Gnome. I am the only one in my office who is using gnome. Every one else uses KDE. The user interface of KDE really sucks man. Gnome is more closer to Windows in terms of user experience. Though many of the KDE apps are more advanced than their counter parts in gnome, I still feel that Gnome has enough functinalities to be able fulfill my requirement. After the launch of Banshee I have stopped using Amarok. Not that it is better than Amarok, but its certainly better than that Rhythmbox. Sexiest thing about Gnome is its Termianl. I just hated using Konsole in my early days in office, I wanted Gnome Terminal.
Its another story how I got Gnom installed on my system I wanted to enable compiz on my PC which has an old motherboard with no AGP. It broke down KDE and I could use my desktop GUI. So finally I had to call Chandan and installed Gnome. Well, not that I learned from this mistake. I faced the same problem in Gnome also when enabled XGL. Thankfully I had enough experience to restore my X11 settings without lettting Systems people know about it.
Even now I am using OpenSuse10.3 with gnome on it. What about you? What do you use?


tht was horrible to read fr me...couldnt understand a single line man....u give me complex!
tht was horrible to read fr me...couldnt understand a single line man....u give me complex!
Siddhesh said…
Do one thing. write a blog post on electromagnetism, that ll give me the same feeling :)

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