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The Dark Knight

Two weeks ago I watched the latets Batman flik, i.e. The Dark Knight. Not the best of movies I have seen, but certainly one of the darkest movies I had ever seen. Most of the characters were protrayed with darkest possible way, especially the Joker. 
I always liked the Batman-Joker rivalry, one too serious and the other so funny. In the earlier version of Batman where Joker was played by Jack Nicolson which was more of a "laughing Buddha" than the ever smart and brutal Heath Ledger's Joker. The amount of wreckage caused by him is unimaginable... the chase sequence... the bombs in the boats carrying people... bombing the city hospital... its just too much for any criminal. And why does he do it? money? Well, lets just say that money is nothing for this guy as he burns millions of dollars with Gasoline... He simply crazy!!!

I also liked the movie for the importance given to the strong characters shown in film. Each of the protagonists have been portrayed with some dark shades including the Batman. Two face was also good. His is actually a tragedy. I never thought Harvey Dent would become Two Face in this movie itself. I was expecting the next release to cover it. But not only two face shown in this part, he also dies at the end of the movie. I always liked his flipping of the coin, in the cartoons, for it showed a different villain. Harvey Dent, the person who is trying to convict, more than half of cities criminls in a single case, becomes the same type of criminal trying to kill Gordan's kid. He is so much angered by the corruption that his own mind gets corrupted with hatred. 
Batman as always is caught in a emotional fight. He decides to give up his identity when Joker starts killing people only to unmask Batman. Even at the end of the film when Two Face dies and with him Harvey Dent, the question arrives: If people find out that Harvey Dent, District Attorney himself killed 5 people including 2 policeman then on what basis can they continue the case started by him? Batman makes the difficult choice by asking Gordan to declare that he is the actual killer.
The dialogues of the movie are its stringest point which include this one too: 
"You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain"


Meghna Bhujwala said…
hey!! You've jus intrigued me enough to go and watch the movie myself! Cheers!
yar i liked the movie but it wasn't worth the hype created by media ...i liked the joker very much though..

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