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Inconsistency Personified

That's how I will describe my CAT campaign this year. This year I made one change in my tactics. I joined TIME test series this year. It has more number of papers than IMS and different style of papers. I thought it was about time to change my strategy when I failing to make the final strike for past 2 years. Till now I have given 6 AIMCATs and my performance has been all but inconsistent. I started on high this time around with 99.2 percentile. But after that I have not been able to continue this start. My percentiles in the next 5 AIMCATs have been 92.6, 99.7, 97.7, 96.8, 93.6. I have been surprised by my last AIMCATs performance. I expected a better percentile than 93. I knew that I had an average Verbal Section but expected DI and QA to propel my percentile to 95+. It didn't happen that way.

Talking about the studies for CAT, well, I cant really talk about it as I have not done any. I know I have to work harder now, that I dont have much time for studies because of work. I think I am being lazy these days. Need to pick myself up to the next level to actually get into an IIM. Nikhil has been helpful who gave me his TIME notes and papers. Hopefully I will start using them as soon as possible.


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