I am getting more and more infrequent with NITIE updates. Well, the exam is getting closer with less than a week to go for the first paper. I think I have got a good schedule considering the fact Data Warehousing and OR Modeling papers are on the same. Also, I will be finished with 4 papers in first 2 days, leaving me with 3 papers in last 3 days.
We had 2 mid-term tests last week, but fortunately for us, Strategy Management Faculty forgot her lecture, so we had no test on Saturday. Sunday’s FRM test was one of the toughest exams in NITE. 15 multiple choice questions with multiple correct answers in 30 minutes! To be honest it was practically impossible to finish the paper in 30 min. I was just able to write answers for 6 of them, but I am happy with my attempt, especially considering the fact that I was coming to FRM class after a gap of 6 weeks This was the first time in my whole life that I saw a faculty in the last lecture of that subject
Siddhesh is changing!!!