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     Last week was a hell of time for my brain. I had to think, think and think.... It all started with the Lehman campus meet. The meet was good. But the after-effects were not. Just as the train had left Vikroli, I got a call from Lehman brothers’ office that I need to come back as my “future” team members wanted to take me for a dinner. I was totally confused as it was really difficult for me to go back. I didn’t have a ticket to return back to Kanjur Marg Station. Also from there I would have to take a rickshaw to reach that end spot. It was really confusing. I called Rohan and Swathi who were also called back (but luckily had not gone too far). I even asked Sidscope for an advice. Finally, I got down at Kurla only to realize that it was merely impossible to return. I called Rohan & told him that I wasn’t coming back.

     If that wasn’t enough I was struck by the thought of doing programming in the financial sector. I am still not sure if it is really beneficial for me to join Lehman. Ya, its true it was me who wanted to do MBA 6 months ago. But times have changed. You get to see more sides of a particular thing. It’s not mandatory to continue with your mistakes, especially when you know that they are mistakes. Lehman is not bad, in fact it is really good. But is it really what I want? I am yet to find the answer. Yes I am still confused.

     Things would have been better though had I got into Webaroo. I think I want to do more programming, more core programming rather than just the interfaces. I have just passed Micorsoft IT Apex test and have been selected for the interview. Look at my luck. The test was in Pune and now the interviews will be in Hyderabad. Certainly not the happiest thing for a person who hates going out of Mumbai. But I take it as challenge. Life does not give you a second chance. Its giving me now and I don’t want to mess it up again….


Nikhil said…
"...mess it up again." what did you mess before?

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