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I did it.............

     Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I did it. I got into Webaroo. How time changes you? Just 4 months ago I was so happy to get into Lehman Brtohers. and now!!! Its good coincidence that both the companies are offering the same amount with same joining date. It seems I have to make a wise call to choose the best company for me.
     I had a small discussion with Snehal about which is the best place for people like us. We came up with some interesting facts. First and foremost, we (by "we" I mean most of the people from vjcomps though it may apply to others too) never thought of something beyond Engineering and Medical while we were in tenth or twelth. Its the same with most of the toppers. Even in commerce people have the aim of Bcom, better people go for CA or MBA but nothing else. Same with arts. If you have good marks then its more or else predictable where you are going to land up at the end. Second thing was about specialising in one's favorite field. In our case, we are not strong in any of our favorite subjects. Forget about favorite, some of us (including me) dont know what they really like. We are "Jack of all, King of none". It hurts but its too late to correct it in college. Even in case of MBA, I dont know how many really want to do it because they have the skills and how many for the sake of money.There were many more points, but i am not able to recollect all. Thik hai.Leave it.
     As for me, I think I have to decide between "technology" and "finance". Hope I will be able to make the right decision. I have stopped thinking about anymore companies. Not that i am completely satisfied with Webaroo, but I guess my value (read "aukat") is 4 lakhs per annum. To improve my "value", I need to train very hard. Just the same way as Goku trained himself to fight the Saiyans. He made it, Can I?


Siddhesh said…
Congrats !! .....

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