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My Favourite Cartoons

My top 10 favourite cartoons:
1. Naruto
2. Dragon BallZ
3. Duck Tales
4. Ghost Buster
5. Scooby Doo
6. Centurions
7. Tom & Jerry
8. Men In Black
9. Alladin
10. Tin Tin
Special Mention: Jungle Book Mogli, Swat cats, G. I. Joe., HeMan, Dexter, Recess, Tale Spin

Which one did you like?


1. Duck Tales
2. Tom & Jerry
3. Mogli
Siddhesh said…
Btw, out of all these cartoons, I still watch Naruto and Dragon ballz
Divin Visariya said…
My top 10 favourite cartoons:
1. Naruto
2. He-Man and Masters of Universe
3. Duck Tales
4. Flint Stones
5. Scooby Doo
6. Richie Rich
7. Tom & Jerry
8. Mogli
9. Alladin
10. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

On Newspaper:
Its Garfield and Garfield
Also, Calvin and Hobes
Siddhesh said…
I m surprised to find u hv watched Flint Stones? How did u watch it? I mean u dont hv cable @ ur home na?
Nikhil said…
1.Tom n Jerry
3.Pinky and the Brain
6.Swat Cats
7.Scooby Doo
Special Mentions: Superman, The Mask,The Road Runner Show, Richie Rich
Siddhesh said…
@Nik: u hv seen Centurions??? good to see tht. Not many people knw abt it.
Btw, Shichan is banned in India, now.
S.Wagh said…
Its Jungle book, not Mogli!!
Family guy rulz...

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