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School - 3

So I was talking about the change. What happened was Vishwajeet joined back Chikitsak High School in 9th standard. He was topper at his previous school and I expected him to break into top 10 of the class. One more of the change was the subjects such as “Work Experience”, “P. T.”, “Drawing” became grade based. Traditionally, boys would suffer a lot in these subjects with girls getting more marks in these subjects. This was the year when I made new friends in Vikram, Viraj and Aditya. The four of us used to totally harass Jeetu. 

Well, as expected Jeetu toppled Deepashri in the 1st Unit test itself. For a change even I was in top 10 :). Of course, my concern was the semester exam. But, I again performed well to keep my place in top 10. In fact, I kept the pace in rest of year to fetch 4th rank in final exam, one rank behind Jeetu. The NCC was also better than previous year, since my batch mates were the rank holders in NCC then. Of course, it wasn’t that easy. More about it later. The distinct points about 9th were – the only year when I “copied” and “copied” a lot and why not when you have the 1st ranker sitting behind you ;), Patkar Mam crying in our class, first time getting more than 80% in a final exam, first time in private tuitions.

The best year, as you might already know, was 10th. And it’s not just me, ask anyone from my class, they would tell you the same. For me it was the landmark year. I got a great friend like Jeetu, great teachers like Gharat Sir. I owe them my success as much as my family. As it happens when things are going your way, everything seems to be placed in the right way. Even the losses you make at one point turn into blessing in disguise. I joined Gharat Sir’s class for Maths and Science and continued with my old teacher for rest of subjects. I also joined a test series. The way I got into each of them is a story in itself will require a separate post.

And you know what? Boys rocked 10th, we were in top ten. Kalpesh got Balashri award for his excellence in Drawing. Jeetu and I got the first 2 ranks in all exams, we were way ahead of others. I still am not able figure out, what happened to others during that period. Even though, the best exam I gave that year was SSC exam, the best set of papers were the 1st Semester Algebra and Geometry. I simply can’t forget those papers. The result of those 2 papers told me that I am something special. It was an awesome feeling which still cheers me up (it was good to think about all such incidents just before CAT).

I guess that's it for now, but I am not finished about my “school” posts, more will follow soon.


Nikhil said…
school post kadhich sampnar nahi. u can write abt our meetings.. which will unlike to stop.

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