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Well, for each of us “School” is associated with distinct set of memories. So is the case for me :) In fact, there was a time when I would really want to go to school rather than staying at home, especially when the exam papers were corrected and returned ;) Just kidding. Though, it is true I liked my school very much. Actually, I must be more clearer to which school I am talking about. Honestly, I loved both the schools in which I studied, but I will always have more affection towards Chikitsak High School.

Till 4th standard (in simple terms “primary” education) I studied in D. S. U. Primary School. Actually, the full form is “Devrav Shivarav Ubhaykar”, but since my “second school” friends used to laugh at such lengthy name, I thought its better to shorten it. Right from my nursery, I was the “simple, peaceful, naive” kind of boy. I could hardly stand abuse. Even now, I cant face a verbal abuse with anyone, I get scared (thats something surprising given the fact I am one of the most aggressive guy among my friends). I had 4 really nice friends at that time. Vishal(who happened to meet Jeetu during 11th admission process), Sagar, Ganesh (who later shifted to Aryan High School), finally of course, Meghana. I had reverse ranks in first 3 years: 3rd in 1st standard, 2nd in 2nd and 1st in 3rd standard. It was the first time I got the first I got a 1st rank. I exchanged ranks with none other than my best buddy in the school, Vishal, as he was 1st during first 2 years. Final year in primary school was the best year. I not only fetched the first rank, but also got the primary school scholarship. I was 31st in Mumbai. Unfortunately, since I changed my school after 4th, the school authorities not only gave away all my prize money and certificates to the second ranker, they never informed us about the scholarship money even though my brother was in the same school at that time.

On the contrary, when I joined Chikitsak, even though I wasn’t the original student of the school, they felicitated me for my achievement. That really set the tone for me. That is when I met Sawant, Viky and Kanchan first time. As I remember even my father was also called there. How proud he was at that time!!! I think it was Paranjape madam at that time who was the Principal of our school. Aah, I cant forget those moments…. (cont.)


nkhlss said…
From the day one you made our school proud. Trust me when i met you for the first time, i could feel that you are outstanding talent. And you never proved us wrong... No wonder they call our batch as ayre's batch.

Keeping my fingers cross for CAT
I remmber my 5 schools now ...i ll write on this post....and our school is gret...Jaykar mam sent me a letter informing i had got scholarship ..she was great teacher as well..apan gelelo athvatay 10 th nantr tynachyakade..:D...
Siddhesh said…
Yea I remember that day. She used to stay near french bridge. Any news abt her?

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