In case, your are wondering what I am talking about, you would be happy to know that our company provides users to subscribe to RSS fees via SMSes. So whenever the blog/site is updated, you will (ideally, every time blog is updated) receive an SMS. This SMS will contain the title of the post and around 50-60 words of the post. The SMS will finally contain a URL on the mytoday site which contains a image-removed, mobile friendly version of your blog post. For example, here is the mobile friendly version of my previous post.
You can do the same. Just login to Go to "Feeds" -> "Manage Feeds" -> "SMS". Here, you will find a add feed option. Just provide a name and RSS feed link and select the "send SMS" option. Once your feed is created you start receiving SMS about the blog you have subscribed. Enjoy!!!!
initially i was receiving sms alert for my gmail
once wen i changed my password for mail the alert stopped and now i forgot the method
can u hepl me out
Since, I have neither worked on this product nor used it, I would advise you to visit the link
its not email 2 sms
its a diff way yaar
if needed i wil post the idea
email2sms is payable and only 100 sms free per year........
thanks for ur reply