Just read this article from ET. The most interesting sentence in the whole article represents an irony which India faces today:
“As a result we have the incongruous situation of one of the poorest countries in the world being the largest consumers of gold, importing close to 1,000 tonnes a year.”
and i've certain questions to u regarding this MyToday feed u talked bout.. i tried it as per the steps mentioned by u there.. but cudn get there...
can u pl elaborate,.. what do i require for it?
n ya,... CONGRATS for yr CAT success!
the long code which I had mentioned earlier have been blocked my Operators(thats called monopoly).
u could try sending "reg mumbai" to 09900145368 or 5757576.
U will receive a password. Use ur mobile no and password, u will see a link "» Daily Delights with News, Sensex, Biz & More "
click on it. U will be able to subscribe to our dailies from there.
In case u any questions pls feel free to ask.
- i got pswd
-i logged in
-feeds>manage feeds>sms
-i got ths---->
Folder: SMS
This folder is currently empty.
Add Feed
Send SMS
Send Email
- i put name o my blog
-URL o my blog
chkd send sms option
-clikd create.
it says "couldn add feeds. feeds not supporsted"
i kno m bugging u lot :P
i don want dailydelights
i want this sms feed thing which yr blog was bout..
kaltay ka?
Did u try simple url as in case of my blog "http://sidh299.blogspot.com" or the atom/RSS feeds url "http://sidh299.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss" ?
U will have to use the RSS feed url because that is the one which is used for feed updation.