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Padma Controversy

I am really disappointed the way some news paper and their readers have reacted to the selection of Hindi Film Actors/ Cricketers for Padma Shri awards. For those who might not have read the news papers, Aishwarya Roy, Akshay Kumar and Harbhajan Singh have been awarded with Padma awards. Their objection is that these people have made no contribution to society so they don't deserve these awards. They say, giving awards to "bollywood" celebrities dilutes the integrity of these awards. I feel all this hoola-bulla over Padma awards is Bull-shit. I just check wiki for the Padma Shri awards. Wiki says,
"Padma Shri (also spelt Padma Shree, Padmashree, Padma Sree and Padma Sri) is an award given by the Government of India generally to Indian citizens to recognize their distinguished contribution in various spheres of activity including the Arts, Education, Industry, Literature, Science, Sports, Social Service and public life. (The word "Padma" (Sanskrit) means "Lotus".)"
And Honestly guys, we must understand its the fourth highest civilian award. Are we trying to say only "social workers" are allowed to get civilian awards? Aren't actors and sportsman civilians? Hope these understand the meaning of these awards and start respecting its recipients.


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