Thanks to the Thanks giving day in US, we had no work at all in the office. I played Table Tennis for almost 2 hours(I have turned into a good TT player, just that I need a booming serve with fiery top spin). 1 more hour for Indo-Pak Test. Again one hour or so for breakfast and lunch. And if you are thinking that I spent remaining time working then you are absolutely WRONG. My colleagues and I spent rest of the time discussing various topics from mandatory leaves to Bollywood Vs Hollywood. In all it just another day at office doing nothing other than but still earning you around Rs. 800 a day.
इंद्र जिमि जंभ पर… बाडव सुअंभ पर… रावण सदंभ पर… रघुकुलराज है ! पौन बारिबाह पर… संभु रतिनाह पर… ज्यों सहसबाह पर… राम द्विजराज है ! उदरात माउली… रयतेस साउली… गडकोट राउळी… शिवशंकर हा मुक्तीची मंत्रणा… युक्तीची यंत्रणा… खल दुष्टदुर्जना… प्रलयंकर हा संतास रक्षितो… शत्रू निखंदतो… भावंडभावना… संस्थापितो ऐसा युगेयुगे… स्मरणीय सर्वदा… माता-पिता-सखा… शिवभूप तो दावा दृमदंड पर… चीता मृगझुंड पर… भूषन वितुंड पर… जैसे मृगराज है ! तेज तम अंस पर… कान्ह जिमि कंस पर… त्यों मलिच्छ बंस पर… सेर सिवराज है ! जय भवानी, जय शिवाजी ! Thanks to Nik for sending this. In case any of you want to read the whole poem you can visit this link .