It was day 2 of module 3 and we already had our first free lecture. After seeing the timetable, I realize now, why my seniors kept telling me that Mod 3 the most chilled out mod of NITIE. On all five days we don’t have more than 3 lectures. Teachers on the first 2 days were good. Good as in, they seem to have knowledge and experience of the subject. Most teachers of course at this stage of their life can be a bit boring :) Attendance was 18 and 22 for the first 2 days respectively(out of 51 students). People would start coming from tomorrow with most of them coming on Sunday. Tomorrow I have my first elective which I selected myself – we were never allowed to select the electives in VJTI, they were thrust on us by the computer department!!!
इंद्र जिमि जंभ पर… बाडव सुअंभ पर… रावण सदंभ पर… रघुकुलराज है ! पौन बारिबाह पर… संभु रतिनाह पर… ज्यों सहसबाह पर… राम द्विजराज है ! उदरात माउली… रयतेस साउली… गडकोट राउळी… शिवशंकर हा मुक्तीची मंत्रणा… युक्तीची यंत्रणा… खल दुष्टदुर्जना… प्रलयंकर हा संतास रक्षितो… शत्रू निखंदतो… भावंडभावना… संस्थापितो ऐसा युगेयुगे… स्मरणीय सर्वदा… माता-पिता-सखा… शिवभूप तो दावा दृमदंड पर… चीता मृगझुंड पर… भूषन वितुंड पर… जैसे मृगराज है ! तेज तम अंस पर… कान्ह जिमि कंस पर… त्यों मलिच्छ बंस पर… सेर सिवराज है ! जय भवानी, जय शिवाजी ! Thanks to Nik for sending this. In case any of you want to read the whole poem you can visit this link .