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5 things I like about myself

Here are 5 things I like about myself. I am sure there will more things in me which people like and I would request them to reply back in comments section about the same.

  • Sarcastic

I don’t talk much usually, but when I do I make every word of it count. I guess sarcasm is in my blood. My dad and mom also used sarcasm to actually “tackle” my mistakes and that has made me learn the “sarcasm” hard way. Usually my sarcasm is used to produce humour without hurting the person targeted. One example of it – we were having a mid term test in VJTI where answer sheets were A4 size journal papers. I think someone gave Naresh only 1-2 sheets, so he asked me to give more papers. I was really irritated by this, as he was as it is going to copy someone else’s paper. My reply was, “इतके पेपर्स कशाला हवे आहेत? तुला काय ग्रन्थ लिहायचा आहे का?” (Meaning – Why do you need so many? Are you going to write a novel?)(More could be found on Sankalp’s blog)

  • Keeping friends

I take a lot of time to build new friends. But when I do, I tend to keep the relationship going even if years pass by or distances between us have grown to thousands of Kms. That’s why I am still in contact with people who were my classmates in Nursery, to people who are in US doing their MS. I love them all.

  • Humility

I am humble enough not to discuss too much on this issue :)

  • Being the sincere guy

Ask any of my classmates, whether from Sundatta High School, Chikitsak, Ruparel, VJTI or even NITIE. Who is the one of the most sincere guys in the class, and my name would appear high in the list. I am always serious about the things I want to do, so whether it is attending classes, writing home work/assignments or making my friends understand the concepts even if it takes some of my time, I will do it with utter sincerity.

  • Academics

Well, that is one thing I will cherish my whole life. I am able to produce good results consistently. In fact, some of performances still surprise me. Undoubtedly. getting PCM 299 was one of the biggest achievements in my life. That day made me unique in some way. It became my identity for some time. And it always feels good when hard work pays off.


These are just the 5 things I like about myself. If you feel that I have missed something very important, which I myself could not pick up, then “be my guest” and chip in your reply.

By the way, Rutuja, Tag completed!!!


Katha Collage said…
Der aaye durust aaye! :)
Nice 5 pointers!
Priyanka said…
I found you to be a person of principles from some observations in VJTI. You have always stood up for what you believed. Sometimes there is a tinge of idealism, but I have also seen you concede to rational arguments.. So there , here is my 50 cents :)

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