Yesterday I watched the movie “I hate luv stories”. I didn’t like the movie much. My initial feeling was that it is kind of spoof of many typical love stories in Bollywood. But in fact, it was yet another boring love story of co-incidences and signs. As Viraj said just because people get in touch with each other for too long, because they get too much used to each other, doesn’t mean they are in love. There were few funny moments though, especially the one involving the fat guy from “sprite” ads (The “check list of love” was really good). The movie was watchable because of the comments made by Viraj every now and then :)
इंद्र जिमि जंभ पर… बाडव सुअंभ पर… रावण सदंभ पर… रघुकुलराज है ! पौन बारिबाह पर… संभु रतिनाह पर… ज्यों सहसबाह पर… राम द्विजराज है ! उदरात माउली… रयतेस साउली… गडकोट राउळी… शिवशंकर हा मुक्तीची मंत्रणा… युक्तीची यंत्रणा… खल दुष्टदुर्जना… प्रलयंकर हा संतास रक्षितो… शत्रू निखंदतो… भावंडभावना… संस्थापितो ऐसा युगेयुगे… स्मरणीय सर्वदा… माता-पिता-सखा… शिवभूप तो दावा दृमदंड पर… चीता मृगझुंड पर… भूषन वितुंड पर… जैसे मृगराज है ! तेज तम अंस पर… कान्ह जिमि कंस पर… त्यों मलिच्छ बंस पर… सेर सिवराज है ! जय भवानी, जय शिवाजी ! Thanks to Nik for sending this. In case any of you want to read the whole poem you can visit this link .