I have put up a poll here. I am going to buy a new mobile phone. I need a small help from you people to choose the best phone. Do vote and also leave comments why I should go for that phone. Have a nice day everyone!!!!
इंद्र जिमि जंभ पर… बाडव सुअंभ पर… रावण सदंभ पर… रघुकुलराज है ! पौन बारिबाह पर… संभु रतिनाह पर… ज्यों सहसबाह पर… राम द्विजराज है ! उदरात माउली… रयतेस साउली… गडकोट राउळी… शिवशंकर हा मुक्तीची मंत्रणा… युक्तीची यंत्रणा… खल दुष्टदुर्जना… प्रलयंकर हा संतास रक्षितो… शत्रू निखंदतो… भावंडभावना… संस्थापितो ऐसा युगेयुगे… स्मरणीय सर्वदा… माता-पिता-सखा… शिवभूप तो दावा दृमदंड पर… चीता मृगझुंड पर… भूषन वितुंड पर… जैसे मृगराज है ! तेज तम अंस पर… कान्ह जिमि कंस पर… त्यों मलिच्छ बंस पर… सेर सिवराज है ! जय भवानी, जय शिवाजी ! Thanks to Nik for sending this. In case any of you want to read the whole poem you can visit this link .
I bought Samsung Star touchscreen last week and tell u, its AWESOME. I can give u a half-n-hr lecture on how good it is. Do consult me before buying!!
Also this one's a huge hit in market!
Fist shipment was gone in chroma the next day! So i bought it from Alpha, Irla and there too, was a good crowd asking for it. Also in Alpha u can get this one in flat 9200 and 500 extra for 4GB memory!
I don't know mucha abt LG and Samsung.
Is there no Sony models :)