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   Music is one of those things that I started liking because of my parents. My mother used to listen to “विविध भारती" on Radio AM signal between 11-12.30pm. Though I did not enjoy the songs that much when I was young, I guess it was during my ninth of tenth grade when I really got serious about listening to music. As I remember 11-12 slot was given to the Hindi film songs. They had a limited collection of songs, so shows would repeat after every 1 month or so. Some songs which I first heard on Radio but hardly saw on TV were - “जाने दो ना” from सागर, “और इस दिल में क्या राखा है" from इमानदार, “मुझे ऐसा लागता है” from त्रिदेव. Then at 12 they would broadcast Marathi songs. It had different programs though one of the oldest was celebrity interview plus their favorite songs. The interviews used to be so old that one day I heard them introducing Nivedita Joshi as a “नवतारका”!

   The real change came when we threw our old Radio and bought a small Philips Radio. It was the same time when I bought a cassette for the first time, “Dil Chahta Hai”. FM had also come by then. Radio Mirchi, Radio Win, and Radio City were first FM Radio stations at that time. I always liked to listen to the old songs, Hindi as well as Marathi. I used to like the one hour special on Radio City between 11-12, with old songs. Even the theme special sonsg on Radio Win where they would have a theme everyday and listeners have to suggest 8 songs that are related to it and then they would have countdown. After a few years came my Nokia 2300 which is famous for its FM Radio. I still have the ear phones in fully working conditions but the cell is no more :( (Bunty lost it during last year visit at Lalbaugcha Raja) In my final year of BE I won an Apple IPod shuffle from HT. It has been my companion for past 2 and half years now. Because of it, I hardly listen to Radio these days. Hey, it is time for my class now. So Bye for now.


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